Health and human services advocates



Our mission statement

To efficiently contribute business development and government relations consulting to public and private health and human services providers.

Business to Government & 
Business to Business  

The objective is to analyze public and/or private policies and procedures to provide resourceful connections to develop presentations. We introduce possibilities to match your goals. 

Our expertise and passion always focuses on government relations. After 30 years of experience, we are now formally combining the research and knowledge acquired in the vast world of health.   

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of many medical doctors and research professionals from numerous hospitals and universities my son Arturito is alive today.

We dedicate these efforts to him and are here to share what we have learned!
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Interview with a thorough introduction of Art's upbringing, education and career accomplishments. Topics discussed ranging throughout global economy and innovative initiatives to spark economic growth with manufacturing jobs in America.


We’d like to introduce ourselves in a bit more detail so that you feel as confident as possible. Making changes or improvements to key aspect of your project is important to us. 

We are certain that with careful planning and direct implementation, we can attain your vision. Let's spin opportunities for impactful results together.  
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Our Vision

Excellent leadership directed towards comprehensive multispecialty environments of the health and wellness industries. We are advocates for healthy lifestyles for those entities looking to improve the detection, management and treatments of disease and all other medical concerns requesting change.  

Our Services


Continual and thoughtful engagement, concluding with the right strategy for decision makers


Securing and growing successful businesses with political and business networks 
across the world


Build and maintain reputations, help clients through difficult crises, manage legislation and regulations


Connecting and networking with people inside the health area to those in the outside world at large
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